
Can Kybella Melt Fat?


Kybella is one of today’s products that stand in a unique class, all on its own. This popular procedure contains deoxycholic acid that naturally occurs inside our bodies. When injected into the skin, the targeted area treats the numerous fat cells, some most commonly found beneath the chin, inside the jowls, or on those “bra fat bulges,” which get eliminated, providing a sexier feel and glow to your treated body part or area. Today, let’s know more about Kybella and if it can melt fat.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a non-invasive injectable technique used to target the fat underneath the chin without the hassle of surgery. This process utilizes a series of deoxycholic acid injections that help target fat cells in the treated area. Because it is non-invasive, no incisions are required, and the good thing is that its downtime is very minimal in most instances.

The best candidates for the Kybella treatment are adults aged 18 years or older, with moderate to severe accumulated fat underneath their chins. Those who have had or are planning to undergo facial surgery, have trouble swallowing, are pregnant, nursing or expecting, or have infections or medical conditions in or near the planned injection sites may not be good candidates for the Kybella treatment.

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, or the ASDS, conducted a consumer survey in 2015 and found that 67% of individuals are troubled by the excess fat found beneath their chins or necks. Currently, Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable to help treat the double chin appearance available in the cosmetic market scene.

Preparations for Kybella

It is essential to have proper planning about the Kybella treatment with your doctor or healthcare provider. With their help and expert advice, you need to ensure that you’re the right candidate for the procedure. You must discuss your medical history and any cosmetic procedures you have had on your face, neck, or chin. Tell them about any trouble swallowing or bleeding problems you might be experiencing or have experienced. Let your doctor or healthcare provider also know if you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant soon since studies about the effects of Kybella on the fetus of pregnant women are still ongoing.

As a non-surgical treatment, there is little to no preparation needed before your Kybella treatment. But it is advisable to schedule your procedure well before any significant life events to avoid conflicts. Wash your face correctly before your appointment because it can help reduce any risks of infection. In addition, try to avoid ibuprofen and acetaminophen intake before the procedure to help prevent any post-treatment bruising.

How Does Kybella work?

Deoxycholic acid, naturally produced bile acid by your body, helps absorb fat and is found in Kybella injections, using a synthetic form of this component as an injection. After the injection, the acid will begin destroying fat cells underneath the chin area, making it unable to store fat anymore. Always make sure only trained healthcare professionals administer your Kybella injections because if handled poorly, deoxycholic acid will also kill other cells.

Before your procedure, practitioners will mark the injection sites using a marker and may also apply topical numbing agents or ice packs to help ease any potential pain or discomfort. Typically, injections delivered range from 20 to 30 and can go up to 50 in eliminating fat beneath the chin. The deoxycholic acid then gradually kills fat cells, all metabolized by the body for the following weeks.

The number of Kybella treatment sessions necessary to achieve optimal results will vary for every patient. Doctors might require additional treatments to reach your desired optimal results. Some receive six (6) Kybella treatments, having at least a month’s gap between each session.

Risks and Side effects

Although Kybella involves no surgery, it still has common side effects like pain, redness, swelling, bruising, and numbness. However, the recovery process associated with this procedure is very minimal in most cases, with downtime varying from one person to another. Typically, minor after-effects subside in one (1) to two (2) weeks.

Severe side effects are also known to have occurred to a few, including weakness of facial muscles, an uneven smile, trouble swallowing, or injury in the jaw’s nerves. Any post-treatment discomfort you will experience should be immediately discussed with your doctor or healthcare provider.

Common and Uncommon Side Effects

It would be best if you also discussed possible risks associated with Kybella during your consultation with your doctor or healthcare provider before your scheduled session. Although not considered a common side effect, these after-effects may include infection but would require prompt treatment.

Swelling may be a sign of a possible infection when accompanied by other symptoms like open sores and oozing. However, swelling alone does not automatically mean disease but is still essential. Monitor your condition closely and see if the symptoms you have will change.

Common side effects of Kybella may include:

  • bleeding
  • hard skin around the injection area
  • headache
  • itching
  • mild pain
  • nausea
  • numbness
  • redness
  • slight bruising
  • swelling

On the other hand, call your doctor or healthcare provider immediately if you start experiencing more severe side effects like:

  • hair loss at the injection site
  • infection
  • open sores, with or without drainage
  • muscle weakness in the face
  • severe bruising
  • skin tissue damage (necrosis)
  • trouble eating and swallowing
  • ulcers
  • uneven smile

For swelling, contact your doctor if it gets worse or if you experience anything new or worsening side effects.

Results and Timeline

Although swelling from Kybella is a natural after-effect, it can still result in some discomfort, becoming an overall inconvenience later on. However, the good news is that this swelling is temporary. The Kybella treatment’s general recovery timeline is for about a month, according to the company that makes Kybella, Allergan. It is why it’s suggested to wait for at least one (1) month between your scheduled additional treatments.

When to Expect Results

According to Allergan, the manufacturer of Kybella, every treatment session usually takes around 15 and 20 minutes at a time. Your doctor or healthcare provider chooses several injection sites where the Kybella treatment is administered.

The overall process is repeated after one (1) to three (3) months. Patients claim to have noticeable effects after 12 weeks or at least after having two (2) sessions. Optimal results can be seen after six (6) months, meant to be long-lasting effects.

Kybella: The Bottom Line

Kybella is today’s solution to all that fat located under your chin. It is best always to consult your doctor or healthcare provider to see if this procedure is the best for your fat concerns. With Kybella, you can say goodbye to your unwanted double chins.

Are you excited to experience Kybella? Or do you still have answers? Either of the two, our great friends at Dr. Hillary’s, can help you today. Visit them now! https://modernslc.com/


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