Do Dermal Fillers Restore Youthfulness to the Skin?

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Have you ever glanced in the mirror and seen someone in the reflection different from yourself? It might be challenging to believe it, but the one you saw as either an older man or woman staring back at you in the mirror is you. As we get older, the tendency to lose the youthful appearance we had before may be brought by factors that are out of our control. 

When our skin starts to become dryer and thinner, it also becomes less able to produce collagen and elastin naturally. Consequently, the amount of Hyaluronic Acid in our body also decreases and leaves our skin much more vulnerable to the development of wrinkles and fine lines. This incident typically occurs around our noses or mouths. 

But hope is not lost – there’s still a solution to get back your youthful glow and appearance. Using dermal fillers, you can help restore your younger-looking image and create a fresher look overall.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are skin treatments that help diminish facial lines, restoring volume and fullness in your face. As we get older, our faces begin losing subcutaneous fat naturally. These facial muscles then work closer to our skin surface. That’s why smile lines and crow’s feet start becoming more apparent. These facial skin also begins stretching a bit and adds to the loss of facial volume that we start to experience. Other factors affecting our facial skin include exposure to the sun, our heredity, and our lifestyle.

What Dermal Fillers Can Do

  • Decrease or eliminate shadows on the lower lids
  • Enhance shallow contours
  • Improve recessed scars’ appearance
  • Plump those thin lips
  • Reconstruct facial contour deformities
  • Soften creases and wrinkles in the face

In addition, dermal fillers can become very helpful, especially for those already experiencing early signs of aging or even as value-added parts of facial rejuvenation surgery.

How Do They Work?

Dermal filler procedures may have additional steps exclusive only to the clinic or med spa that administers them. But in general, the typical dermal filler treatment includes the following steps:

Step #1 – Facial Assessment and Mapping

Choosing to use soft tissue dermal filler packages, doctors and practitioners from healthcare providers need to evaluate first your facial appearance and skin tone and examine the areas of your face to be augmented. Once done, strategic points on your face will be marked as the targeted injection sites for the dermal filler. For future reference, photographs of the areas to be treated are typically taken.

Step #2 – Cleansing and Anesthetizing

The injection sites are cleaned and cleansed using an antibacterial agent. Pain amelioration at those injection sites may be treated with a very cold instrument to chill the skin. They may also use an anesthetic ointment to numb the skin or injection of local anesthesia. Although not painless, these injections are usually tolerated easily.

Step #3 – The Injection

Typically, dermal filler injection takes only a few minutes for each site. The procedure for injecting, massaging, and evaluating the outcome is done, with additional fillers added as it is needed. Based on how many areas are to be treated, the entire process can be as quick as 15 minutes or as long as an hour.

Step #4 – Clean Up and Recovery

After evaluating and deemed satisfactory, practitioners will clean off any remaining markings after such results are evaluated. They may also give ice packs to help swelling reduction and discomfort alleviation. While the areas may start feeling a bit tender after a day or two, it is typically never painful enough that it will require dire medication.

Do These Restore Youthfulness of the Skin?

Dermal fillers add and restore volume to aging skin through lifting and smoothing targeted wrinkles and folds. It will make you begin appearing with a naturally younger look. This skin treatment is mainly used for rejuvenating skin and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

The Procedure

As a non-invasive procedure, dermal fillers involve using a fine needle to inject this treatment beneath your skin. It fills the tissue that has begun growing soft, eliminating the fine lines and wrinkles from your face and improving the fullness of your lips and cheekbones.

This skin procedure usually lasts for a total of around 30-45 minutes. Patients are expected to have results lasting for about one (1) to two (2) years. Dermal fillers are also entirely temporary and reversible, so whenever the outcome doesn’t suit your taste, you can readily and easily reverse these changes. Once the procedure is done, you may experience slight bruising and swelling. However, these after-effects should not persist for more than a day.


The results after using dermal fillers are usually apparent, immediate, and last from a few months up to a couple of years, significantly based on the filler type used and with the patient injected. Maintenance of good overall health and healthy and robust skin using appropriate products and skin treatments will surely improve the results and longevity.

Recovery Time

Recovery time differs for every patient and each type of dermal filler injected. You can immediately resume most of your activities, but generally, it is suggested that you avoid any strenuous physical activity for at least the first 24-48 hours. This step will help minimize swelling and bruising. Before scheduling your dermal filler injections, discuss specific recovery plans with your doctor or healthcare provider. Initial appearances after your treatment using any dermal filler may include:

  • “Overfilled” appearances to the treated areas
  • Swelling or bruising that ranges from mild to severe
  • A temporary feeling of numbness or noticeable redness
  • Injection sites that may have palpable lumps or complex areas
  • Reactions to hypersensitivity that can seem like allergic reactions with hives and swelling

Risks and Safety

Severe risks from dermal fillers are uncommon. Potential complications vary based on certain fillers used and the relative permanence of these filler substances, including:

  • Acne-like skin eruptions
  • Asymmetry
  • Bruising
  • Filler palpability beneath the skin’s surface
  • Injection site bleeding
  • Injection site infections
  • Lumps
  • Skin damage resulting in a wound and possible scarring
  • Skin necrosis (also called ulceration) or skin loss from blood flow disruption
  • Skin rash with itching
  • Skin redness
  • Swelling
  • Under- or over-correction of wrinkles

The Bottom Line

Dermal fillers are skin treatments with relatively low risks, slowing down or reversing the signs of aging. For most parts, dermal fillers’ results last longer than others and are certainly less costly and invasive than those involving surgery. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about dermal fillers when wrinkles and sagging skin are noticeably affecting your life.

Do you want to know more about dermal fillers? Our amazing friends at Dr. Hillary Taggart’s can help you today. Visit them now!


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