The Worst Advice You Could Ever Get About Under Arms Sweating


Sweating is a normal phenomenon in humans that is key in regulating body temperatures. Termed as Hyperhidrosis, it can have a huge impact on the quality of life in many individuals. This issue could be spread over several regions of the body while some others may be localized to regions like feet or underarms, called focal hyperhidrosis. Excessive Under Arms Sweating could be a worrying and embarrassing factor for many. It is a key issue that could influence many aspects of your life may be your relationship, self-confidence, or work performance. If you have hyperhidrosis, you may be a victim of much non-beneficial advice from people. But with the innovations in medical science and aesthetic medicine, some fruitful solutions could fade off this problem. If you are a person looking for an effective cure for underarm sweating, then keep reading below.

Worst Advice You Could Ever Get About Under Arms Sweating:

People who have too much underarm sweat are not clean:

Hyperhidrosis is a situation where an individual’s body is looking to regulate body temperature. People may think that people who have excessive underarm sweat need to work more on maintaining their cleanliness. But the truth is that this situation has nothing to do with a person’s cleanliness and contrarily, they would be taking extra measures for keeping themselves fresh.

You are not using Deodorant:

People may advise you to use a good deodorant and will be off the feeling that you are not using one at all. But people may be not benefitted from using deodorants and will need to use Antiperspirants for blocking sweat. But even they could be ineffective in eliminating severe hyperhidrosis issues. You have to speak to the doctor to find out the root cause while also get a successful treatment for your problem.

Wearing the right clothes:

You may be advised to wear sweat-absorbing or lightweight clothes to avoid the problem. But irrespective of the physical activity of an individual, people with hyperhidrosis will continue suffering from the issue until there is a genuine analysis.

Under Arms sweating indicates you are nervous:

People who have hyperhidrosis may enhance the sweating problem due to anxiety. But nervousness stimulates sweating in any normal person and you cannot blame hyperhidrosis for the situation. If you cannot control it, then you must treat it.

Hyperhidrosis will fade off on its own:

Hyperhidrosis is not something that will fade off with time or as person ages. It is a phenomenon that is regulating body temperature irrespective of weather, mood, health, cleanliness, or physical activity. But the positive news is that it is treatable.

Botox for Underarm sweating:

Botox is mainly employed as a cosmetic treatment to treat skin issues like fine lines and wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles. It has also been useful for some other conditions like migraines, muscle spasms, and the issue of hyperhidrosis. You may be a good candidate for Botox if you are not responding to prescribed antiperspirants for your sweating issues. Botox has been approved by the FDA for people who are suffering from excessive sweating from the armpits. It is also employed “Off-label” to decrease the sweating in other regions like hands, feet, and face.

  • Botox is a neurotoxin that stimulates the nerves from reacting by blocking the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is responsible for muscle contraction. It causes the freezing of muscles in the injected region thereby smoothening the fine lines and wrinkles. This same mechanism is employed to stop the sweating issues under the arms, but it impacts the glands instead of muscles. Botox filler will interrupt the message that encourages the glands to secrete the sweat. As sweating is a natural body function, there will be no interruption to other regions of the body.
  • As Botox is employed as a localized treatment, there will be no stoppage of sweating in other regions of the body. There may be a requirement of retreatment after 3 months when the effects of these fillers start to wear off and nerves will start stimulating. There may be some differences in the duration of results depending on the skin type, overall health of the individuals. These injections are tolerated well by the patients and the majority respond positively to the results. But these injections are given a bit deeper into the muscles than on the face.


There will be precise instructions given by the doctor in the initial consultations. A patient must explain all the active medical conditions along with the medications taken to cure them. It helps eliminate any adverse effects and complications. They may be asked not to shave off their underarms for 3 to 4days before the procedure. A topical numbing cream is applied an hour after the cleaning of the target region. The physician will start the procedure by injecting the fillers with the aid of a small needle. There may be minor swelling, bruising, or tenderness in the region after the procedure but it will come down in some time. The injections will be administered in a grid pattern with a gap of around 1 to 2 centimeters between each of them. The patient is fine to return home immediately after the procedure as the procedure might take around 2 weeks to showcase complete results. They will be given some simple bits of advice to not perform any exercise or taking hot showers for a day. Botox or Dysport is not a permanent cure for excessive underarm sweating and the patient will need repetitive sessions after around 3 months.

Bottom line:

Botox has been a revolutionary treatment for hyperhidrosis as it has aided to enhance the quality of life for many individuals provided if you chose a reliable aesthetic expert like Dr. Hillary Taggart. She is an expert in aesthetic medicines especially dermal fillers with a unique ability to induce natural results among patients. She understands the precise needs of every patient and yet produces beautiful and highly restorative results.


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